Today we had the pleasure to start our Europe for VET+ project. As the leader – Zespol Szkol Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 1 im. prof. Waclawa Zenczykowskiego – together with friends from Italy, Spain, Malta and Poland we have started our international initiative. You can follow our progress on our website. During our meeting we had the chance to visit 3 companies (DROGMOST Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Drogowo-Mostowych DROGMOST Sp. z o.o. w Kłodzku, Leroy Merlin, Noworudzka 2a, 57-300 Kłodzko, Kayser Atomotive Systems, Przemysłowa 3, Jaszkowa Dolna) which host interns in building and logistics professions. Thanks to support of those companies we were able to gather first data regarding needs and expectations of employees and skills which normally students require in order to conduct properly vocational internships.